Dans un entretien au « Monde », le professeur de relations internationales à Sciences Po Zaki Laïdi estime que « l’Europe ne pourra jamais rien entreprendre qui aille à l’encontre » des intérêts américains.
The main concept of the text is that Donald Trump, similar to Vladimir Putin, believes in the principle of might makes right.
The recurring phrase "Trump croit, comme Poutine, que la vocation des forts est de dévorer les faibles" (Trump believes, like Putin, that the role of the strong is to devour the weak) emphasizes this idea. The text argues that both Trump and Putin view the world as a place where power dynamics dictate success and that the stronger entities should dominate the weaker ones.
The main concept of the text is that Donald Trump, similar to Vladimir Putin, believes in the principle of might makes right. The recurring phrase "Trump croit, comme Poutine, que la vocation des forts est de dévorer les faibles" (Trump believes, like Putin, that the role of the strong is to devour the weak) emphasizes this idea. The text argues that both Trump and Putin view the world as a place where power dynamics dictate success and that the stronger entities should dominate the weaker ones.